Microsoft Picture It 10 Download

With Microsoft Office Picture Manager you can manage, edit, share, and view your pictures from where you store them on your computer. The Locate Pictures feature helps you find your pictures with powerful search, and when you find them, Picture Manager can correct your pictures, if needed. Use the picture editing tools to crop, expand, or copy and paste. Sharing pictures is easier with Picture Manager: you can send pictures in e-mail messages or create a picture library on your corporate intranet.

Microsoft Picture It Digital Pro, on the other hand, offers dedicated amateur photographers the advanced features they'll find in Photoshop but in a much more friendly interface. Picture It 9. Free download. Downloads Programs Image, Design and Photographs. I have used microsoft picture it on occsion. It is very easy to use and I love the fact that AI can take each project and make it my own at all times. I think that ther is nothing good about this program because i can't download it without writing a.

Note: Picture Manager is not supported in Office 2013 and later versions. For Windows 10 we recommend using the Photos app that you can install for free from the Microsoft Store in Windows.

Microsoft Picture It Program For Windows 10

Use Picture Manager


Microsoft Picture Manager is installed with all Office Suites and can be used on individual images.

Start Picture Manager from the Start menu

Use the following instructions to start Picture Manager.

  1. From the Start menu, select All Programs.

  2. Click to open the Microsoft Office folder.

  3. Click to open the Microsoft Office Tools folder.

  4. Click Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

Start Picture Manager from an image

Use the following instructions to start Picture Manager from an image on your computer.

  1. On your computer, locate the picture you want to work with.

  2. Right-click the picture.

  3. In Office 2007, select Open With, then click Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

    In Office 2010, select Microsoft Office. Your picture will open in Picture Manager.

Manage your pictures

Instead of navigating between locations and long lists of folders, you can add shortcuts to the locations that contain your images. Picture Manager does not require you to create new categories or to import pictures. Once you add a shortcut, you work with pictures from that location as if you were working from the file system.

You can create a shortcut to the folder that contains your pictures, or to each picture.

Create a shortcut to a folder

  1. Locate the folder that contains your pictures.

  2. Right-click the folder and select Create Shortcut.

  3. Drag the shortcut to your desktop.

Create a shortcut to a picture

  1. On your computer, locate a picture.

  2. Right-click the picture and select Create Shortcut.

  3. Drag the shortcut to your desktop.

  4. Right-click the shortcut.

  5. In Office 2007, select Open With, then click Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

    In Office 2010, select Microsoft Office. Your picture will open in Picture Manager.


Edit your pictures

By using the Edit and Picture menus and adjusting the following settings, you can change how your pictures look.

  • Brightness and contrast

  • Color

  • Crop

  • Rotate and flip

  • Red-eye removal

  • Resize your picture


When you have finished editing, you can save the changes. Click Save to save your changes, or use Save As to create a new image, while keeping the original.

Free Microsoft Picture It 10 Download

Share your pictures

After you have finished editing your pictures, you may want to share them with your workgroup. You can send pictures in e-mail messages or create a shared picture library for a collaboration experience that features simplified administration and role-based permissions, as well as a unique picture management model that enables users to download picture versions of any size or resolution, while efficiently storing the original pictures. When sharing pictures, keep in mind that you can compress them to a size that is most efficient for the way you intend to use the picture. Smaller file sizes display quicker on a Web page, take up less disk space, and, if you are sharing pictures by sending them in an e-mail message, they can be delivered faster

Microsoft Picture It 10 Download

To learn more about Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 picture libraries, see Work with photos in a SharePoint picture library.