Solaris 11 Vm Iso Download

Source Solaris 10 ISO during boot up. Source Solaris 10 ISO image to be read on boot up, this can be done by clicking: Edit Virtual Machine -> select “CDROM” -> Click radio button “use ISO image” -> give the location of the Solaris 10 downloaded ISO image. Then click “OK” From the above we have configured the VM to install Solaris 10. This VM It is based of the official Oracle Solaris 10 x86 ISO. Simply download and extract the VMWare image zip file and double click to. The Solaris Studio 12.3 compiler does not support recent C++ features as used by Rcpp or C++11.

I was trying to install Solaris 11 Guest OS with bridge and host-only networking, and ran into some problems. After a bit of struggle, I got it to work. These steps may be useful to others in my situation. Also I am no VB/Solaris expert - so there may be better ways !!
I already had two ubuntu Guest OSes with bridge and host-only and wanted a third Guest OS one with Solaris 11.
IsoMy environment (before):
Host OS: Mac OS X 10.9
Guest OS1: Ubuntu 64 bit with two network interfaces eth0: bridge, eth1: host-only
Guest OS2: Ubuntu 64 bit with two network interfaces eth0: bridge, eth1: host-only
SolarisMy environment (after):
Host OS: Mac OS X 10.9
Guest OS1: Ubuntu 64 bit with two network interfaces eth0: bridge, eth1: host-only
Guest OS2: Ubuntu 64 bit with two network interfaces eth0: bridge, eth1: host-only
Guest OS3: Solaris 11.1 64 bit with two network interfaces net0: bridge, net1: host-only
Why bridge + host-only?
- I use bridge network so that Guest OS services can be available outside, as each guest OS acquires address from the Host’s network space e.g. your home wireless.
- I use host-only so I have an internal network with its own IP space that do not change with location. Example 1: I can use ssh from my host to guests using fixed IP. Example 2: I have Oracle server running on one of the Guests that all Guests (and Host) can use without having to change Oracle server IP each new location.
VB 'main' setup for host-only networking - one-time
Host-only is an internal network shared between Guests and the Host. You will need to choose a private IP space for this network. In virtual box main preference (not guest OS setting), choose preferences -> network tab -> host-only. It will show something like vboxnet0 as the host-only adapter. Choose pencil (edit) icon to edit. Choose address space that does not conflict with your LAN or your other location networks. I chose with static range 101-199 and DHCP range 201-254.
Solaris 11 downloadDownloading Solaris 11
You should be downloading a file something like sol-11_1-text-x86.iso or a zip file containing that. As always, it is your responsibility to comply with licensing and registration requirements of the respective sites. I searched Solaris 11 VM download and downloaded generic x86 text install (about 585MB) version.

Solaris 11 Vm Iso Download Windows 7

I think Solaris 11 also have a Virtual Box template created. I had problem downloading that (much larger 1.7GB, instead of 585MB), so did not try that.
VB Guest OS install with Solaris 11
VB Guest OS creation:
Using Virtual Box main app, choose ‘new’ and I used solaris type and solaris 11 (64bit) for OS. Please follow the Guest OS setup in VB (I am skipping details) choosing memory, disk etc. I chose memory 2GB and disk 20GB, and defaults for the rest. Other values may work. Complete the creation process. Your guest OS setup is now in Powered Off state in VB.
Guest OS Settings Bridge-network setting (adaptor 1):
In VB main app, choose your guest OS and choose ‘setting’. Then choose ‘Network’. Select the bridged Adapter as the adapter 1 type and select the appropriate network hardware to be used from the host machine. I use Wi-Fi network in the host machine so I selected the Wifi Airport.
Guest OS Settings Host-only setting (adaptor 2):
Choose adaptor 2 and check-box enable it. Choose in drop down ‘host-only’ adaptor type. It should automatically fill vboxnet0 we setup earlier.
Solaris 11 install:
In the VB main, ‘start’ the guest OS. For the first time boot of the virtual machine, choose solaris 11 text install ISO image location and click start to start the installation. (see screenshot). This is the ISO file you downloaded above. Solaris installation will start and prompt thru text prompts. Note this ISO file is used like a CD/DVD install and you must remove after installation is complete (else it will restart the install process again due to default boot process ).
Solaris install setups I used:
- choose keyboard US-english
- choose language English
- choose install Oracle Solaris (should be option 1)
- follow prompts (note use of function keys, [not return key] to continue) and choose to install on local disks
- follow default partition and use entire disk
- choose hostname when prompted or use default
- choose ‘Automatically’ setup network
- choose location zone and timezone and date format
- choose root password, user name, userid and user password
- if you have oracle support, you can also setup support email
- choose ‘no proxy’ for internet access
Remove the ISO image (else it will restart installation) from your disk. You may also disable CD/DVD thru VB settings for the VM.
Enabling Graphical GUI on Solaris:
By default, solaris is installed with no gui. If you use as server, this is probably ok. If you need gnome desktop, you could do the following:
Code: Select allExpand viewCollapse view
> sudo pkg install solaris-desktop
> sudo init 6

VB Guest OS Running
Shutdown your guest OS and reboot guest OS from VB main screen. When start is complete, login at the commend line in Solaris using the login you created (or use your GNOME gui). Note for any root access, you could use sudo. Your network should be all good with two interfaces automatically setup. At command line, mine looks something like this:
netadm command shows we are using Automatic NCP, two NCUs for the two adaptors. DefaultFixed NCP is disabled.
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ux234@solaris1:~$ netadm list
ncp Automatic online
ncu:phys net0 online
ncu:phys net1 online
ncu:ip net0 online
ncu:ip net1 online
ncp DefaultFixed disabled
loc Automatic online
loc NoNet offline
loc DefaultFixed offline

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ux234@solaris1:~$ ipadm show-if
lo0 loopback ok yes --
net0 ip ok yes --
net1 ip ok yes --

ipadm address shows the two IP addreses. In my case is the bridge-adaptor IP using address space of my home wireless network. is the host-only internal ip address used between Mac OS and Guests. If I use my Mac in Starbucks my net0 IP will change but on net1 will remain unchanged
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ux234@solaris1:~$ ipadm show-addr
lo0/v4 static ok
net0/v4 dhcp ok
net1/v4 dhcp ok
lo0/v6 static ok ::1/128
net0/v6 addrconf ok fe80::a00:27ff:fe03:17f8/10
net1/v6 addrconf ok fe80::a00:27ff:fe6e:ec26/10

Download Solaris 11 X86 Iso

Example uses of host-only
From the Mac Host OS, I can ssh to guest OS using the host-only IPs.

Solaris Os Iso

Solaris 11 Download

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22:39:41 ~ $ssh ux234@
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.8.0-29-generic x86_64)
System information as of Sun Jul 6 21:01:07 EDT 2014
System load: 0.0 Processes: 89
Usage of /: 53.6% of 12.43GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 4% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for eth1:
5 packages can be updated.
5 updates are security updates.
Last login: Sun Jul 6 18:40:19 2014 from xxxx-macbook-air.local
ux234@ubuntu1:~$ exit
Connection to closed.
22:40:26 ~ $ssh ux234@
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.8.0-35-generic x86_64)
System information as of Sun Jul 6 22:40:31 EDT 2014
System load: 0.0 Processes: 75
Usage of /: 18.6% of 8.82GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for eth1:
5 packages can be updated.
5 updates are security updates.
Last login: Sat Jul 5 14:51:31 2014 from
ux234@ubuntu2:~$ exit
Connection to closed.
22:40:35 ~ $ssh ux234@
Last login: Sun Jul 6 14:25:18 2014 from
Oracle Corporation SunOS 5.11 11.1 September 2012