Where To Download Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Leak

Aug 16, 2017 - Episode 6 of season 7 has posted online several days early. HBO releases statement.

HBO Hacked, Hackers Leak The Entire Script of Game of Thrones Season 7. Hackers say they have stolen 1.5TB Data From HBO including GoT Season 7 script

Your favorite TV show has been hacked and leaked. Yes, hackers today leaked the Game of Thrones Season 7 episodes. In what could be the biggest scandal hitting Hollywood after the infamous Sony Pictures data breach of 2014, HBO has confirmed that unknown hackers had successfully hacked into its servers and stolen vital files pertaining to scripts of its various TV shows including GoT Season 7.

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The hacker then sent an email to the press informing that they have been successful in stealing about 1.5 terabytes of data from HBO servers. On Monday, the top cable service company in US and many parts of the world confirmed the hack, although it is not saying yet what information, or how much, has been taken.

HBO in a statement issued just minutes ago said, “HBO recently experienced a cyber incident, which resulted in the compromise of proprietary information. We immediately began investigating the incident and are working with law enforcement and outside cyber security firms. Data protection is a top priority at HBO, and we take seriously our responsibility to protect the data we hold.”

The hackers managed to lay their hands on the top HBO serial, Game of Thrones Season 7 as well as upcoming episodes from multiple series—including Ballers and Room 104. The hackers have promised to release all the stolen material in public domain soon.

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The hacker’s e-mail read as follows:

Where To Download Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Leak

Hi to all mankind. The greatest leak of cyber space era is happening. What’s its name? Oh I forget to tell. Its HBO and Game of Thrones……!!!!!! You are lucky to be the first pioneers to witness and download the leak. Enjoy it & spread the words. Whoever spreads well, we will have an interview with him. . . HBO is falling. Most websites dismissed the email as a prank. However, when the upcoming episode of Game of Thrones season 7 was leaked online, it seemed that hackers had indeed access to the HBO servers. The hackers email also contained email id and telephone number of HBO Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications Jeff Cusson’s office.

The hackers used Cusson email id to open a Twitter account (now suspended) and spread the information about the Game of Thrones leak. The GoT leaks confirm that HBO severely lacks appropriate cyber defense mechanism as this hack happened despite HBO’s decision of not sending any screener versions to any members of press. In fact, they had asked the GoT cast to take extra security measures like enabling 2FA for their email accounts as well as iCloud accounts.

This is a developing story and we will keep you updated.

Where To Download Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Leak Video

This just goes to show that if someone really want’s to hack into your stuff they will do it. You can encrypt your servers, and get the best security made and there will always be someone out there that is smarter and knows how to counter your security.

At the end of July HBO was hacked and 1.5TB of data stolen. A week later and episode four of season seven of Game of Thrones leaked online. It was poor quality, not the final cut, and had 'For Internal Viewing Only' printed on the screen. Now episode six has leaked online, but it looks to be from another source.

The leaked episode appeared for download early this morning according to The Verge. The official release day for this episode is Sunday, August 20, but a post on Reddit claims this is actually an accidental leak. The origin being HBO Nordic and HBO Espana, both of which somehow managed to air it for an hour before someone realized their mistake and took it down.

HBO has confirmed what happened to The Verge through a spokesperson, who explained, 'We have learned that the upcoming episode of Game of Thrones was accidentally posted for a brief time on the HBO Nordic and HBO España platforms ... The error appears to have originated with a third-party vendor and the episode was removed as soon as it was recognized. This is not connected to the recent cyber incident at HBO in the US.'

So unlike the episode four leak, this leak probably is of the final cut. However, that doesn't mean you should attempt to watch it. There's varying reports about the quality of the video, with some versions having terrible sound or being a recording captured by pointing a camera at the TV while it aired.

  • Hackers Hit HBO, Steal 'Game of Thrones' Info

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The same warnings apply as for the last leaked episode. Downloading this unofficial version from an untrusted source opens your computer up to a potential malware infection. Also remember it's Wednesday, meaning you only have to wait four more days to watch the official version!

As long as there are shows as popular as Game of Thrones, hackers will attempt to steal content and post it early. And while it's tempting to try and watch your favorite show earlier than the publisher would like, nine times out of ten it really just isn't worth the hassle, risk, or poor quality.